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Editorial Board:

Editor-in chief
Emma Brown (Univ. of Cambridge)

Managing editor
Michele Sanguanini
Paolo Andrich (HAL24K), Zak Lakota-Baldwin (Univ. of Cambridge), Thomas Freitag (Harvard Medical School), Kate Howlett (Univ. of Cambridge), Dillon Rinauro (Univ. of Cambridge), Carolyn Rogers (Reddie & Grose LLP), Darius Sultani (PIK),
Communications Officer
James Dickinson (Univ. of Cambridge)

Table of Contents


Rethinking Informed Consent in the Context of Big Data – Anna Bruvere and Victor Lovic  [pg.5]

Communicating Climate Change Beyond Western Societies: A Tale of the Czech Republic
and India– Anandita Sabherwal and Ondřej Kácha [pg. 9]

Why it’s time to stop considering Evidence-Based Policy and Evidence-Based Medicine as
analogous when it comes to Randomized Controlled Trials: An argument from Clinical
Equipoise – Charlotte Zemmel [pg. 18]


Ecological Tipping Points: Uncertainties and Policy Approaches – Darren Wong [pg. 23]

Horizon Scan Communication

Blast from the Past: Pathogen Release from Thawing Permafrost could lead to Future
Pandemic – Alex Christie [pg. 30]

Innovation vs. Privacy: tech’s false dichotomy – Adam Ó Conghaile [pg 38]

CJSP Associates

Ghazi Ahamat; Armando Aliu
Jack Birch; Shannon Bohle
Josh Brian; Tara Callahan
Ruby Coates; Louise de Thomasson
James Dickinson; Tiarnan Doherty
Minfei Fei; Adriana Fonseca
Aswathy V. Girija; Veronika Golovina
Marcos Gonzalez Hernando; Maren Heimhalt
Affan Iqbal; Leia Judge
Thomas King; William Knapp
Jennie Leggat; Alice Oates
Cecilie Olesen; Alice Rees
Catherine Rhodes; Tayza Rossini
Laura Ryan; Nicolas Schneider
Ana Paula Seraphim; Miriam Shovel
Alessandra Silva; Eleni Tente
Evelyna Wang; Victor Yip
Valeria Zambianchi