Writing for CUSPE
From 2012 to 2019, CUSPE collected policy papers under the name of CUSPE Communications. These 1000-2000 words pieces featured editorial pieces, policy briefs, research reviews and other types of short communications on various topics where science interacts with policy and vice versa.
In October 2019, the publications team at CUSPE formalised CUSPE Communications and began accepting submissions for a new student-run peer-reviewed journal, the Cambridge Journal of Science & Policy (CJSP). You can find our current and previous issues here.
Journal Submissions are Open for Volume 5 Issue 2
CJSP mainly publishes two article types:
- Communications (short, 1000-2000 words): These can be about science policy or science for policy, and other relevant topics. They should be similar in style to a policy brief or POSTnote.
- Perspectives (short, 1000-2000 words): These include opinions on policy issues, interviews, policy debates, book reviews etc. While still being evidence-based, perspectives are less data-driven than communications.
CJSP occasionally publishes:
- Reviews (essay length, at least 4000 words): These discuss new developments in a scientific field and their potential impacts on policy, policy proposals regarding current science and technology issues, or similar.
- Reports (short, 1000-2000 words): These can be write-ups of science policy conferences, lectures, workshops or activities. These focus mainly on those organised by CUSPE.
- Invited Contributions: Any of the above article types may be invited by the Editorial Board and are subject to peer-review.
All contributions are deposited with Apollo, the Cambridge University research output repository.
Do you want to be a CJSP peer-reviewer?